Friday, June 20, 2008

Okay, these pics aren't the best quality, but I just wanted to show a few. Today, I gave a pair away to one of my son's classmate's mom. She liked them & the ones I was wearing, so maybe this is a good thing. ;)

Please let me know what you think! I had Cub Scout day camp today - took the whole boat. Miss Independent got so worn out by the end of the day that I had to carry a sleeping 4 year old through the woods - a good hike to the car. AGH! My arms were rubber! I will show some pics of Dew shooting arrows out at the archery range and fishing later or tomorrow. He got a bullseye and broke a clay pidgeon with an arrow! I didn't get to see it, though - had to stay with Miss Independent at the Pixie camp (too bad she's not independent in a way that I could leave her & actually walk with Dew's Den.). Dew's Den leader took some pictures for me.


Dave Hahn said...

Hey, you are awesome. Very crafty you are. I wish I had a creative bone, but I do not.

scargosun said...

I think they look great! Keep up the good work.

The Rule Maker said...

Like them. I just made my first piece of jewelry last Thursday, a seaglass necklace! Keep it up and let me know when you get your store at Etsy completed.


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